Monday, March 21, 2011

Farewell FB :(

I am out of FACEBOOK.
Are you gotta be kidding?

NO!! With capital letter of N

I am dead serious!!

May Allah Bless :D

Sunday, March 20, 2011

ATHENA:Goddess of War

Have you been watch this story?If not yet,please watch this drama!!


* Title: 아테나: 전쟁의 여신 / Athena: Jeonjaeng-ui Yeoshin
* Also known as: Athena: Goddess of War
* Genre: Action, thriller, romance
* Episodes: TBA
* Broadcast network: SBS
* Broadcast period: 2010-Dec-13 to TBA
* Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55
* Related TV shows: IRIS


A terrorist group known as "Athena" and led by evil mastermind Son Hyuk threatens South Korea and the world. It is now up to special agent Lee Jung Woo of the National Security Agency to foil their terrifying conspiracy. Jo Soo Young, the daughter of the South Korean president, is kidnapped and hidden away in Italy. Jung Woo and his team are given the assignment to find her and bring her back.


* Jung Woo Sung as Lee Jung Woo
* Cha Seung Won as Son Hyuk
* Soo Ae as Yoon Hye In
* Lee Ji Ah as Han Jae Hee
* Kim Min Jong as Kim Ki Soo
* Choi Si Won as Kim Joon Ho
* Lee Bo Young as Jo Soo Young
* Lee Jung Gil as Jo Myung Ho
* Kim Seung Woo as Park Chul Young
* Kim So Yun as Kim Sun Hwa
* Yoo Dong Geun as Kwon Yong Gwan
* Son Ji Hoon (손지훈) as Hong Jin Suk
* Kim Young Ae as Choi Jin Hee
* Lee Han Wie
* Yoo Tae Woong
* Sean Richard
* Oh Chang Suk
* Bang Kil Seung (방길승)
* Do Ye Sung (도예성)
* BoA as female singer (cameo)
* Girls' Generation (cameo)
* Chu Sung Hoon (cameo)
* Ryu Dam (cameo)
* Jin Goo (cameo)

And for the second last episode I almost weep my tears.
It's not about war only,is about loyalty,bold and human being.
I love this drama so much and hope to watch it again n again.
So,anybody that have ASTRO BEYOND,lucky la you :D



Today our last day for enjoyable ~ngee
Esok da start sekolah ~ Haish
And start from Monday or tomorrow 
I got 'KELAS TAMBAHAN' dari Isnin-Khamis
Jam 2-3 petang until bulan OCTOBER ~ Erghhh!!

Tapi en,bagus apa buat kelas tambahan macam tu sebab
kami tak buang masa meski penat tu kan tak boleh nak
buat apa.Then,got another tuition for Chem on Monday
dari jam 5.30-7.30 petang.

And maybe,class EA aku yg sepatutnya hari Isnin 
and Khamis terpaksa tukar jadual hari Sabtu.
Err..I think it will work out :) Insya Allah ..


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Raja Lawak Ohh...Tidak!!

Pernah anda tonton rancangan Raja Lawak Di Astro Prima?
Pasti anda kenal pengacaranya?

Tak lain tak bukan JOHAN dan ZIZAN  !!
I think their talent more good than NABIL :)
They're superb and the best [*;*]
dan aku rasa dorang punya lawak lebih lawak dari
peserta raja lawak yang sepatutnya buat lawak lebih
baik dari dorang berdua punya lawak.Err..and rasa
rancangan tu lebih hidup disebabkan JOZAN tu.
kalau tak betul so sorry la kawan ye :D


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hari Sabtu and Ahad dah bagi diri sendiri rasa enjoy :)
Hari Isnin dan Selasa sudah baca dan selidik novel BI dan BM :)

Enough for ur enjoyable !! ):
Prepare for your exam !! *wink*
Yeah!I can do it!


err... all subject I take In Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia . Is a like
'BIG WHOAA'  to me (yes)  .

May Allah Bless :D                                

Monday, March 7, 2011


Yeah! I do it perfectly even tangan dah
terketar-ketar bawak motor tadi.

For the 1st time bawa motor kat lebuh raya ;)
Aiseh!! Takut cuak nak menangis sume campur baur.
Mixed da macam gulai tempoyak :D

Apapun,Alhamdulillah sampai tusyen sampai rumah :))
Esok bawa motor pergi sekolah .. , ...

May Allah Bless :DD

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I miss my friend from Serdang. 
Long time no see them. 
Even we just known each other for
just three days the bond that tie
us idk what to say ):

Hope to see them again *sigh*
Alia,Nana and Liyana o.o

May Allah Bless You all :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kiri.Kanan. Lintas.....!!!

Heyya Fellas :)
Sini cik adik nak habak satu cita dunno wheather kebaikan atau keburukan atau
tabiat luat tabii (; hehehe  . Sesetengah orang kalau nak melintas jalan tu
macam berdesup laju dah sampai ke seberang. Sesetengah orang pulak tengok
dulu kiri kanan sekejap then terus melintas.Sesetengah pulak kalau nak melintas
boleh ambil masa sampai berminit-minit just untuk melintas.

Okey ;) Dalam sesetengah-sesetengah-orang-tu korang mesti salah satu darinya.
My Best female friend kata 'kau ni tak pandai lintas jalan la Diyanah' dan aku 
memang sedar diri-sangat-sangat lah kalau aku yang paling lembap dalam bab2
nak crossing road-road ni kan. Sebabnya 1.Tak suka kena hon.

Aiyakk!Pemandu Malaysia sekarang ramai yang tersangat budiman,semua nak
laju-laju-macam-lipas-kudung kalau bawa kereta ke motor ke dah macam tak 
ada hari esok ): lepas tu bila dah macam nak 'terlanggar' someone or something
mesti tangan tu gatai nak 'hon2' .

Sebab 2.takut
Ye2! Tak takut ke tengok lori balak besar gedabak tu?Kenapa lah wujudnya lori-
lori-seumpama-itu .Lepas tu dah la bawa laju-laju-macam-jalan raya-tu-korang-
yang-punya. Aku ni dah la kecik,saiz tayar lori tu lagi besar dari aku *eye rolls*

Oleh disebabkan itu,aku jenis yang sangat lambat melintas jalan besar.Jalan kecik
boleh tahan lagi lah.Kalau jalan besar mungkin kena ada seorang kawan hold my hand
atau cakap 'Diyanah lintas!!' atau push my shoulder.Kalau tak kena tunggu macam dah
tak ada kereta or vehicles lain baru selamat sampai ke seberang sana *wink*

Jadi,conclusion is aku rasa cara aku agak effective lah kan!! cehh..hampeh :))
Tapi kalau dah takdir baik macam mana sekalipun dan berhati-hati-macam
apa pun tetap benda akan terjadi. Benda apa?  Sendiri fikir la kawan ;))

May Allah Bless :D